Weapon Instructor Standardization - 20th of May 2021 the Netherlands
Weapon Instructor Standardization - 20th of May 2021 the Netherlands
Weapon Instructor Standardization 20th of May 2021 Maas and Waal Rijswijk the Netherlands
The Weapon Instructor Standardization was held from the 18th untill the 20th of May. For this exercise AH-64D Apaches from 301sqn, CH-47D and the "new" CH-47F Chinooks from 298sqn and a AS-532U2 Cougar from 300sqn took part. It was the first time the “new” CH-47F D-473 Chinook of the Royal Netherlands Air Force flew a mission during an exercise.
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F/D Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F/D Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
CH-47D Chinook D-667 Royal Netherlands Air Force
CH-47D Chinook D-667 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
CH-47D Chinook D-667 Royal Netherlands Air Force
CH-47D Chinook D-667 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force
AS-532U2 Cougar & CH-47F Chinook D-473 Royal Netherlands Air Force